INTERVIEWSWhen I get up on stage in front of people to perform, I feel a very human and powerful vibration.. Music allows me to connect with the audience at a visceral level.. It is a unique privilege to be able to feel what I feel when I am performing..
I WAS MADE FOR THIS! -DJ CERON Ultimately I’m using music as a sounding board for the spirit. When I perform I go into a place where thoughts stop and I feel that energy oozing onto my guest on the dance floor making them disconnect from their reality being a negative or a positive for a couple of hours and having that power over the masses has become my addiction.
-DJ CERON Music has always been a matter of energy to me. Music has truly been an escape for me my whole life. It has been there in my bright days as it has been sort of a personal therapy that has gotten me out of tough times, it has been the friend that I have needed when a friend wasn't there. I will never be able to thank music enough for always being there for me. Music has been there for when no one else was and the only thing that stays when everyone leaves. I have always been told that I hear music differently. My answer has been that I do not only hear music, I also see it . I am truly blessed to have music be part of the way I make a living. My drug is being on stage and performing in front of people and seeing their faces of bliss when I am performing, knowing that I have complete control of the rollercoaster ride I have them on. The connection is surreal.
-DJ CERON Life is beautiful. Train your mind to see the good in everything. Positivity is a choice!!! The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.
-DJ CERON All our dreams can come true, if and only if we have the courage to follow our hearts to peruse them. If I ever allowed my head to be down, it will be to admire my sneakers. And, lord knows I have a dope collection. Keep your head and chin up!!!!!
-DJ CERON Art is everywhere you look for it. I think everything in life is art. How you dress, the way you love, how you talk, the way you make people feel, your smile, your personality and all of your dreams and the way you feel. Life is art... We are all works of art, not everyone will understand you, but the ones who do will NEVER forget about you.
-DJ CERON Always working..... Wheels are always turning, creative juices always flowing. I have worked very hard and will always continue to work hard. I am very proud the way that it all has come together in my career so far. You will have your ups and down and lord knows I’ve had my shares of disappointments and failures. But in the midst of it all, I never once asked “Why me?” Life is like photography. You need the negatives to develop. When life gets blurry, adjust your focus.
-DJ CERON My presence here is merely a by-product of manifestation. You must hold the vision, trust the process and yourself. Never allow waiting to become a habit.
"I AM" two of the most powerful words. For what you put after them shapes your reality. -DJ CERON All I know is hustle.... 99.9% of the battle is getting yourself in the right state of mind. STOP telling the world your problems/struggles!!!!! .5% truly care and 99.5% are apeshit happy you have them. Channel your energy towards your goals. FOCUS!!!! YOU MUST STAY FOCUS!!!!
-DJ CERON As a Brooklyn native, one can say that you’re inadvertently exposed to the elements and witness many living in poverty which for some it is a cruel reality. It is from these sorts of experiences that I began to understand I could take control of the decisions I made in life. These examples motivated me to challenge myself and place the upmost energy behind my every decision. And while some decisions were better than others, my idea of controlling my destiny was unwavering. My message is while some circumstances are cruel and unforgiving; we have it within ourselves to be our very best version. Wish you the best in this journey called life.
-DJ CERON Trying to keep my mind right my soul straight and my heart strong. I myself am a product of my own environment and made of entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions and a great heart.
-DJ CERON I take pride in how far I have come and faith in myself of how far I will go. I still have a long way to go in this journey called: "life". But I am so far from where I used to be and I am proud of that. I need to remain staying focus and to remember that the future comes one day at a time.
-DJ CERON When you were born you cried and the world rejoiced. So live your life in a manner that when you die the world will cry and you will rejoice.
-DJ CERON If you are experiencing inner turmoil or in the middle of a hurricane or negative forces pulling you in different directions... Don't let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace. Keep in mind that if you are positive, positivity will find you and embrace you! Adversity introduces a man to himself.
-DJ CERON Remember that you can not lose energy, but you can alter energy and make it work to your benefit. Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. I am the kind of person that has always seen the glass half-full apposed to seeing it half-empty. I do not dwell on the negative, I refuse to live in the negative!! I am wired to win, I am wired to be a champion, I am wired to succeed.
-DJ CERON Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success. Remember, that some people dream and want success while others wake up and work hard at it. You become what you believe. STAY FOCUS!!!!!